Depending on the amount of control players have, we might just see some intriguing creations from fans and newcomers alike. However what's the most interesting feature is Sega allowing users to modify and share existing Sega retro games. Vintage Sega swag, Mega Drive cartridges, and even a CRT TV all make an appearance. The Sega Mega Drive Classics Hub is decked up to resemble a room of a Sega fan from the early 1990s. As the name suggests, it's the one place for all your 16-bit Sega goodness.

Now it plans to take things a step further with the Sega Mega Drive Classics Hub for PC via Steam.

In the past we've seen ports of some of the Mega Drive's more popular games such as Sonic the Hedgehog grace Android, iOS and PC. Sega may have exited the video game console business over 15 years ago but that hasn't stopped the company from cashing in on the nostalgia of its 16-bit console, the Sega Mega Drive (or Genesis depending where you lived).